Latest Update

On 10 May Premier Mark McGowan released a four-phase roadmap to carefully ease COVID-19 restrictions.

General Information

Here is a brief practical guide showing the difference in symptoms between COVID-19, a cold and a flu – from the Australian Health Department.

Due to current COVID-19 (Corona Virus Diseases 2019) pandemic, a lot of activities have been restricted. A lot of the food and beverage industry has been affected, no doubt affected on others areas as well. Some food courts have been forced to closed until further notice, restaurants can only do take way (no dine in option).

Our government is doing what they can to help us, please respect and follow their instruction closely.

Here is some update of the Essential information:
7 April 2020: Federal Government has released further Essential Information for your reference.

How To HandWash Poster

How To HandRub Poster

24 March 2020: Tighter restriction on weddings, funerals fitness classes, beauty salons, arcades, play centres and more. Click Tighter Restriction for full details.

22 March 2020: Pubs, licensed clubs and hotels (excluding accommodation), places of worship, gyms, indoor sporting venues, cinemas, casinos must close. Takeaways only at restaurants and cafes. Supermarkets, and pharmacies remain open. Click Restaurant for full details.

Tasmania, the NT, WA, Queensland and SA announced border closures. Anyone entering is to self-isolate for 14 days. See specific State and Territory Government sites for information.

JobSeeker Payment claims can be submitted online 24/7. Online service capacity is being increased. Click JobSeeker for more details.

For school closures (government and non-government) please refer to state and terrirory education authorities. Click school for more details.

Stop the spread! Stay 1.5 metres away from others, wash your hands regularly for at least 20 seconds with soap and water, avoid touching your face and if sick, stay home. Click What is Social-Distancing for more information.

Click International Student Working Visa related issue.

Click on Advice for Travelers for traveler related issue. or Click on Travel Restriction and Australian Border for more information.